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24/05/2020 – Gladys week 4. God’s guide us

Bahan Alkitab: Yesaya 41:13 Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-kindy Ringkasan: Gladys minggu 4(God take care of us)Bible verse: Isiah 41:13 Gladys receive an urgent message, she need to come to prison as soon. She go in and saw a disturbing scene. Prisoners are fighting, bleeding and falling to the ground. She scared, she prayed and screamed […]

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24/05/2020 – John Newton

Bahan Alkitab: Matius 6:24 Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p12 Ringkasan: Dear parents, ini bahan untuk SM besok. Kita juga akan ada live zoom session 15.30-16.30pm (sudah bisa login mulai 15.05). Sekolah Minggu Sore P1-P2 24 Mei 2020 Tema: Bulan MisiBahan: John Newton (PDF) Chapter 09 : The Collapse of a CamelChapter 10 : Satan, Self and […]

24/05/2020 – God’s Plan Will Not Fail

Bahan Alkitab: Gladys Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-kecil Ringkasan: This week bible story is for Children to understand that God's Plan Will Not Fail. We will start off by sharing with children of their plans e.g. holiday plans, birthday party plan may fail. This is especially so during the Covid-19 where they can only stay at […]

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24/05/2020 – John Knox – Week 4

Bahan Alkitab: Judges 7, Mat 14:22-33, Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p34 Ringkasan: Points of Learning:I.Cognitive: Knox and the Reformers fight for freedom to have true worship. Even though they faced many challenges and difficulties because of it, they did not back down.Affective: Children realized that there were many false teachings circulating. Psychomotor: Children want to learn […]

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24/05/2020 – Gladys Aylward (4)

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Yoh 4:19 & 1Tes 5:17 Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-nursery Ringkasan: Gladys berhasil meredakan kekacauan di penjara. Gladys hanya seorang gadis yang kecil dan lemah tapi dia mengingatkan kita pada Daud dan Goliath. Daud tidak takut kepada Goliat karena Daud tahu Tuhan menyertainya. Masa Gladys adalah masa perang. Jepang ingin menguasai China. Masa […]

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24/05/2020 – Gladys Aylward – Rencana Tuhan tidak pernah gagal

Bahan Alkitab: Yesaya 41:13 Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-toddler Ringkasan: Kekuatan manusia dan rencana manusia tidak bisa mengagalkan rencana Tuhan. Ini direfleksikan melalui Gladys yang dengan pertolongan Tuhan berhasil memenangkan jiwa di dalam penjara dan menyelamatkan sekitar 100 lebih anak-anak kecil ke Siam (tempat yang aman) melewati gunung-gunung yang berbahaya dan dari tentara Jepang yang kejam. […]

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24/05/2020 – John Calvin Week 4

Bahan Alkitab: Hebrews 7:26 Tanggal: 24/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-p56 Ringkasan: Chapter 9 – 11 of John Calvin After Darkness Light book Ayat Hafalan: Hebrews 7:26 Bahan Tambahan: John Calvin Slides – Guy Watch.pptxJohn Calvin Text – Guy Watch.docx Sent via Document Studio.

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17/05/2020 – Gladys Journey with the Difficulties

Bahan Alkitab: Isaiah 41:10-13 Tanggal: 17/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-kindy Ringkasan: There were many children on the street and markets who don’t have parents. Gladys love the children and she adopted the children to take care of them. She taught them the bible story and brought them to know Jesus Christ . After Mrs. Lawson was passed […]

17/05/2020 – John Knox Part 3

Bahan Alkitab: Matthew 5:10 Tanggal: 17/05/2020 Kategori: sm-pagi-kelas-besar Ringkasan: After 2 month battle at St. Andrews Castle, Knox and his friends surrendered and were captured by combined forces of French and Mary de Guise. Knox became galley slave for 19 months before he was released. It was due to the intervention of the new young […]

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17/05/2020 – Gladys Alyward – Am I able to do his ministry?

Bahan Alkitab: Yesaya 41:13, 1 Samuel 17 Tanggal: 17/05/2020 Kategori: sm-sore-nursery Ringkasan: Today we want to continue to learn about Gladys ministry. We want to learn that her ministry is not always smooth and easy, that’s not the promise of God. She faces difficulties, challenges, obstacles. We want to learn God’s promises “Do not fear, […]

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