02/08/2020 – Trusting God to protect me

Bahan Alkitab: 1 Samuel 18, 19, 20, Psalm 59

Tanggal: 02/08/2020


1. Jealousy is a dangerous enemy of the heart. We need to surrender problem of jealousy to God so it won’t ruin out life or other’s people life. Like Saul, the jealousy was so overpowering him until he had to kill David. As a victim of jealousy, David had to run to safe his life.

2. Unlike David who was hunted by Saul, you may be facing different challenges. But like David, you may have someone who is jealous of you and trying to make your life miserable.

3. The fast changing information via social media makes false information spreads very fast and sometimes can be damaging.

4. Like David, learn to trust God knowing that He is in control of our life.

5. Continue with your spiritual discipline such as: pray, read bible, quiet time to guard your heart against jealousy and keep strong relationship with God.

6. In time of trouble, seek help from your parent, teachers or someone you could trust. Continue to seek God’s guidance. David also prayed fervently to God when he was on the run. The book of Psalms contains many such prayers from David.

Ayat Hafalan:

Psalm 31:3
For you are my rock and my fortress. And for your name’s sake you lead and guide me.

Guru: Belinda Sutan
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